這樣子的 UX 工作描述是危險信號嗎?

Ping (Genie)
4 min readApr 9, 2024





有一位名叫 KourteousKrome 的網友說到:

They’re called heuristics and it’s common for experienced designers to use them as a starting point. Otherwise every little thing you make would take months to get to the same conclusion we’ve all already known (ie, we know to always include back buttons, undo, etc).

When you get experienced, you also start building a library of common patterns (either in your head or literally in a library) that you can reference when solving common problems, ie, you don’t need to create an entirely new and novel navbar in an app, people expect navbars to behave a certain way and appear in a certain place. You don’t have to do research to know these patterns.

Drawers, tabs, nav, correct inputs (check box vs radios), button states, etc. You don’t need to research these things necessarily. They’re fine to slap down for prototyping and move on to test stuff that matters (content, architecture, etc).

這整串大概的意思就是說這叫做啟發式設計。身為設計師必須得知道已經有無數的產品幫設計師訓練大家如何使用產品,所以為什麼使用常見的 Design patterns 是很重要的。



這也是 Don Norman 大師不斷在說的法則。

另外一名網友 EyeAlternative1664 表示:

Nah. Nothing worse than a UXer who is paralysed without all the data.

Deliver nothing = learn nothing.

對 UX 設計師來說,就算做了一堆研究,但卻沒有 Deliver 就等於什麼都學不到。

另一名網友 livingstories 表示:

I wouldn’t consider it a red flag. Research makes sense when there are questions about user intentions, feelings, wants, and needs. Those questions can’t always be answered with intuition.

The question of “What UI pattern do I use?” however is one of experience.




所以身為 UI 及 UX 設計師,千萬不要總是以為公司有做使用者研究就代表公司的產品很直覺。更多時候靠的是設計師如何設計跟不斷迭代、蒐集有限的資料然後不斷改良來的。



Ping (Genie)

Passionate about the UX industry, I champion the belief that technology can significantly improve lives.