What do I learn about my wrong resume? 我從錯誤的履歷中了解到什麼?

Ping (Genie)
4 min readMar 18, 2024

背景 Background

先自我介紹一下,我擁有9年的 Product Designer 經驗在台灣,沒有任何海外的工作經驗跟讀書經驗,從 2023 年搬到加拿大。先完成了六個月左右的語言學校,之後在 2024 年的時候開始投遞 Sr. Product Designer 職缺一個禮拜,這一個禮拜卻收到自動回絕。

I have 9 years of experience in product design, primarily based in Taiwan. Recently, I moved to Canada, and while I may not have work or education experience abroad, I completed language school last year. This year, I began applying for senior product design positions in Canada. It’s been a week, and so far, I’ve received automated rejection responses.

我試過用 Google 還有 ChatGpt 以及一些履歷生成的網站,不斷幫我重寫履歷。

I have tried using Google, ChatGPT, and some resume-generation tools online to help me rewrite my resume.

反思 Reflect

所以我開始反思,JD 上面的要求有滿足嗎?

I have started to reflect on myself, does my question whether my skills align with those listed in the job descriptions (JDs)?

→ 自我反思的結果是:我每次投遞履歷都至少有滿足 7成以上的條件,所以不是條件跟年資的問題。(很多建議有六成以上滿足條件就可以投履歷了)

However, each time I apply to a company, I meticulously ensure that I meet at least 70% of the qualifications, which exceeds the often suggested 60% fit considered acceptable for applying

→ 甚至我投遞的每個履歷,都是重新生成的。根據 JD 的描述上 Highlight 的技能重新複製貼上,全部重新再生成一次。(我事先自己寫一遍,然後由 AI 幫我順過。)

Moreover, I customize my resume for each application, incorporating all relevant keywords from the job description to ensure alignment. Additionally, I rewrite my resume and seek assistance from AI tools for refinements.

過程 Process

這時候剛好看到 Reddit 有徵求志願者幫忙看履歷跟作品集,所以就鼓起勇氣 PO 了出去,隔天就收到專業顧問公司回給我的信件,寫上關於我履歷上的問題。

By chance, I came across a post where the volunteers were offering to review people’s resumes and portfolios. Encouraged by this, I decided to submit mine. The next day, I received an email from a professional consultant providing me with overall feedback.


Below is what I received as feedback.

回饋 Feedback

履歷結構 Structure

  • 優點:用節點來劃分每行是正確的。
    Cons: The use of bullet points is good!
  • 缺點:ATS 系統沒辦法篩選出我的履歷。
    Pors: The ATS system can’t screen out my resume.
  • ATS 系統是一個用篩選招聘人員的系統,主要由企業用來篩選和排名候選人的簡歷。 從本質上講,它的目的是根據雇主設定的特定標準(例如關鍵字、技能、前雇主、教育程度等)自動對履歷進行排序,從而幫助簡化招聘流程。
    An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is indeed a software application that enables the electronic handling of recruitment needs, primarily used by enterprises to screen and rank candidates’ resumes. Essentially, it’s designed to help streamline the hiring process by sorting through resumes automatically based on specific criteria set by the employer, such as keywords, skills, former employers, education, and so on.

影響與經驗 Impact and Experience

  • 招募人員和招募經理會在你的履歷中尋找一件事:影響力。
    Recruiters and hiring managers look for one thing on your resume: impact.
  • 你的履歷中的要點給人的印像是薄弱的 — — 它們沒有顯示出你是如何產生影響的。 讓我們來看看你履歷中的一個例子:
    Some of your resume’s bullet points come across as weak — they don’t show how you made an impact and should be improved. Let’s look at an example from your resume:
    [ Collaborated and consummate with stakeholders to develop and execute strategies for leveraging user data effectively in design processes, resulting in a more intuitive and user-friendly product experience. ]
  • 最終,雇主想知道你能為他們做些什麼 — — 以及你之前所取得的成就的例子來幫助他們認識到這一點。
    Ultimately, employers want to know what you can do for them — and examples of what you’ve accomplished before help them see that.

單字選擇 Language

  • 單字籠統 Too Generic
    顧問說到我都使用籠統的單字,例如貢獻和組織。 諸如此類的單字和短語被過度使用,並且常常會降低你的成就的影響力。 相反,您應該使用更強大、獨特的動作動詞(例如「管理」、「發展」或「實施」),讓您的成就脫穎而出。
    I noticed you used weak language like contribute and organized. Words and phrases like these are overused, too generic and often reduce the impact of your achievements. Instead, you should instead use stronger, unique action verbs (e.g. Managed, Developed or Implemented) that make your accomplishments stand out.
  • 陳腔濫調 Buzzwords
    Similarly, I saw commonly used buzzwords, or clichés, like leadership skills and proven track record.
  • 字彙重複 Repeated too often
    Some action verbs, like Managed (3 times), were repeated too often on your resume.
  • 避免填充詞 Avode filler words
    我看到了諸如“有效”和“成功”之類的填充詞。 我之所以稱這些詞為填充詞,是因為它們佔用空間,卻不會為你的成就添加任何實質內容。
    I saw filler words like, effectively and successfully. I call these filler words because they take up space, without adding anything substantial to your accomplishments.

ATS Scan

顧問在 ATS 上快速自動瀏覽了我的履歷,讓我了解它提取的一些技能(忽略那些不一定是技能的技能,這只是系統提取的技能)。

I did a quick automated run-through of your resume on an ATS to give you a sense of a few skills it pulled out (ignore those that aren’t necessarily skills, this was just what the system pulled out).

This is result


Based on the results, I’ve identified the issues with my skills. There are too many unrelated skills listed, and important skills are missing from the list.

Final Tips


顧問建議需要保持要點簡潔,以便招募人員能夠了解我的成就的核心。 大多數人都受益於對簡歷進行更深入的逐字審查 — — 很容易錯過簡歷上的微小錯誤。

You need to keep your bullets succinct so recruiters can get to the heart of your accomplishments. Most people benefit from a deeper word-for-word review of their resume — it’s easy to miss tiny errors on a resume, especially if you’ve spent a lot of time working on your resume.

雖然被說得體無完膚,但還是挺喜歡這些 Feedback, 也給了我很多方向可以重新整理履歷。

寫履歷真的真的非常難啊 😭



Ping (Genie)

Passionate about the UX industry, I champion the belief that technology can significantly improve lives.